Dentalife XtraClean

A Versatile Toothbrush

The Dentallife xtraClean toothbrush is like a magic wand that fulfills every expectation you have from a toothbrush. Here are the complete and flawless features of the Dentallife xtraClean:

  • The fibers of this toothbrush are arranged at an angle, ensuring optimal cleaning of the dental surfaces and the spaces between teeth.
  • The bristles of the toothbrush head are longer, making it possible to reach the most difficult places in the mouth.
  • The handle has a specially designed area for comfortable thumb placement.
  • The Dentallife ExtraClean is equipped with a tongue cleaner.
  • The fibers’ head is completely round to protect gum tissue and tooth enamel as much as possible.

What more could you want from a toothbrush?!